Create Your Project:
Start by creating your Storyboard or navigating to an existing storyboard.
Switch from Storyboard to Timeline:
Once your project is created, switch from the Storyboard view to the Timeline view. This option allows you to work with audio and video more easily. You can find it at the top bar of your project screen.
2: Add Voiceover to Images or Videos:
To Add the voiceover to either your images or videos in the timeline
Click on the Voice Icon.
Choose Text to Speech or Upload Audio to select your audio file.
P.S. If you're creating a video project, make sure to generate video first for optimal syncing with the voiceover. Click on the Generate All Videos button at the top right, then return to the timeline to add the voiceover or audio.
Drag the Audio to the Frame:
Delete Where Necessary:
Use the Audio Option to Add Your Chosen Audio:
Regenerate the Voiceover if Needed:
Not staisfied with the audio output? You can always delete and regenerate it or change the audio entirely.